Wednesday, May 19, 2010
LOST Series Finale Party - Invitations
Since the party hasn't happened yet, I can mainly pass along ideas and some helpful resources for preparing your own LOST party starting with the invitations.
Of course the invitations had to be Boarding Passes from Flight 815! I have created my own versions of the boarding pass and jacket and am sharing it all with you...for free! So, feel free to download here and use to your heart's content. Please give a little shout out to this site if you feel so inclined after using them. ;)
The jacket is a PDF, so just print it out and you're ready to go. I used a glossy paper to give it some texture. It will print with a white edge all around it, so first cut that off. Then fold the paper into thirds where the blue and white backgrounds meet. For the inside flap, I would also recommend cutting part of it off so that the boarding pass is visible.
The boarding pass (designed by my fabulous husband) is available as a PSD file that can be modified in PhotoShop. It should be fully customizable and looks great, in my humble unbiased opinion. You can add the time of the party (departure time), the name on the ticket (for example, "Melissa's/House"), the seat number, etc. The boarding pass has two pieces that are meant to be stapled together (along the left side like a real boarding pass). The 2nd piece is for you to write any necessary party details (see my invitation below). In order to get this exact font, you may need to download it (it's called Harting and is a free download). Also, I recommend using a corner rounder on the corners and printing the passes on cardstock to increase the authentic appeal.
They turned out great and everyone was amazed at how real they look. Now to brainstorm ideas for the rest of the party....
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Cute Hairbows!
I found this great website with tutorials on all sorts of things including cute little hair bows and a bigger pinwheel bow.
For the smaller bows, I pretty much followed the directions exactly, except that I used 3/8" ribbon for the entire bow. For the pinwheel bow, I also did as instructed but also lined the alligator clip as it shows for the little bows.
Here are my final products!
A Tisket, A Tasket...a Handmade Easter Basket
The "Recipe" from Moda Bake Shop uses one of their "Jelly Rolls" of fabric, which is basically many strips of coordinating fabrics rolled up like a cinnamon roll. For this project, I used the "Swanky" Jelly Roll which has some great pinks, yellows and other very springy colors which I bought here.
As the "Recipe" recommends, I cut all of the stips in half before I used them so the colors are more spread out. The major change I made to the basket is that I made it much bigger. Moda's basket is about 6.5 inches in diameter, but I made mine with a diameter of about 12" and about 7" high. To do this I still followed the basic steps, but I bought 10 yards of a much thicker cotton cord to make both the basket bottom and handle (I believe it was 24/32...the 2nd largest size that Hobby Lobby sold by the yard). I also made the base 8 rings wide (as opposed to their 7) and then 8 rings tall. The size turned out great and I think is much more practical for an Easter basket to be used as Sonya grows up.
I will say that the bigger cotton cord did make sewing the rings together more challenging and I should have invested in a longer needle. As you stack the rings, I highly advise sewing each ring to the one below from the outside. Sew up and down and criss-cross in order to securely sew the two rings together. If you try hard enough, you can make most of the exposed stitches close to the bottom of the ring so they don't show as much. It's ok to have your stiches show on the top of the ring you're adding b/c the next ring added will cover them up. However, for the top ring, I did try and make the stitches small and less noticable.
For the handle, I only made it two ropes thick (instead of 3) since I used the thicker cord. Be sure and sew the handle on really well!
Other thought: I wrapped the fabric more "cleanly" than the Moda folks....looks less "scrappy" and I think will wear better. To do this I just always left the folded over edge exposed and covered up the cut edge.
I love how the basket turned out (and hopefully Sonya will too!). This project is pretty easy and I did it all without a sewing machine. The sewing machine would make sewing the scraps together faster and easier, of course, but the bulk of time is spent wrapping the fabric and then handsewing the basket together, so a sewing machine isn't as necessary. Overall the basket took about 35-40 hours to make.
I had tons of fun filling it with all sorts of goodies for Sonya. Some highlights: Homemade hair bows (see other post!), bunny ears (a must), Easter books, teething rings, Peeps (not sure if she can eat them...but I know her Daddy will!) and two cute outfits for the warmer weather. Happy Easter!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tacky Christmas Sweater Party
I found a picture of a tacky Christmas sweater and printed it out on cardstock. I printed the invitation wording on the other side of the paper. Then once printed, I cut out the sweater and had a cute little invitation. And I went with the tagline "The Tackier the Sweater, the Better the Party."

I really wanted to have Christmas lights everywhere and envisioned them hanging from the ceiling all over the table. So, I bought some of the vintage style big bulb strands and held them up with masking tape (no need for fancy brackets or methods of disguise...masking tape falls right into the tacky party theme!). Crazily enough these lights were extremely difficult to find and I ended up finally finding them at Walgreens of all places. For other decorations, I hit up the Dollar Store and bought plastic bell and ornament garlands and paper cut outs which I taped around the apartment.
Table Setting
First of all, I wanted to have a sit down dinner for 13 which was going to be impossible with our dining room table which seats 6. So, we rented two long tables from a local party equipment rental place - we got both tables for only $10! Definitely worth it. For the table decorations, once again the Dollar Store came through with paper, Christmas print table cloths, garland and these little trees in crazy sparkly colors. When you put it all together...awesome. Now, I did slack in the tacky by using our actual plates, silverware, glasses, chargers, napkins and these adorable ornament napkin rings from Crate & Barrel. And for dessert, I got to bust out my new Pottery Barn reindeer dessert plates. But...I really wanted to use them, so I did! I did actually assign seats, which may have been slightly elementary school, but I've read that with groups that big, it lessens anxiety and allows for "conversation flow," or something like that. Who knows. :P
Dinner was great - the sweaters/outfits were AMAZING. Mary Ellen won the "Tackiest" award and Justin and his self-made snuggie were also great. It was so much fun and I think we just might have to repeat next year...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
From the Kitchen....Yummy Homemade Candy
What you need:
Double boiler (I bought a cheap one (aka $20) at Bed, Bath & Beyond that worked fine
1 package Kraft Caramels 6 Plain Hershey bars
2 Tbsp. evaporated milk 2 cups whole pecans
1/3 bar paraffin wax (yes, wax....and yes, they do sell it at the grocery store)
What you do:
1.Spread out a large piece of heavy duty Aluminum foil on a countertop or table. Butter the foil.
2. Melt the caramels and evaporated milk in the top of the double boiler.
3. When melted, add pecans and quickly drop by spoonfuls onto the buttered aluminum foil (heavy duty).
5. Melt choclate bars and parafiin in the double boiler.
6. Spear caramel/pecans (from the day before) with a toothpick or better yet, the metal things you use to truss a turkey.
7. Dip the caramel/pecan piece into the chocolate and place back on the foil in a clean spot to cool.
Makes about 30 millionaires.
Potato Chip Candy (huge crowd pleaser and super easy)
What you need:
4 cups crushed waffle chips (Ruffles or the equivalent)
1 package almond bark (the white one...I have used the chocolate brown one and I think the white chocolate is better)
What you do:
1.Spread out a large piece of heavy duty Aluminum foil on a countertop or table. Butter the foil.
2. Melt the bark in a microwave (follow the melting directions on the bark package).
3. Stir in the crushed chips.
4. Spread the mixture out on the Al foil so that it is about 1/2 inch thick.
5. Let cool and then break it out into bite size pieces.
Haystacks (another popular one)
What you need:
1 (6oz) package of Butterscotch flavored morsels (chips)
1/3 cup creamy peanut butter
2 cups Chow Mein noodles
1 cup dry roasted peanuts
What you do:
1.Spread out a large piece of heavy duty Aluminum foil on a countertop or table. Butter the foil.
2. In a saucepan, melt the butterscotch chips and peanut butter over low heat. When completely melted, remove from heat.
4. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper.
5. Let sit until hardened.
Makes about 30 haystacks.
Chocolate Fudge - I use the recipe on the Kraft Marshmallow Creme jar - delicious
What you need:
3 cups sugar
3/4 cups (1.5 sticks) butter
1 small can (5oz) evaporated milk (about 2/3 cups)
1.5 packages (12 squares) Baker's Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate
1 jar (7oz) Marshmallow Creme
1 cup chopped nuts (I use pecans...the recipe says walnuts)
1 tsp vanilla
What you do:
1. Line 9 inch square pan with foil (extending to the sides of the pan)
2. Place sugar, butter and evaporated milk in large heavy saucepan
3. Bring to a full roiling boil on medium heat, stirring constantly (very important - you don't want it to burn)
4. Boil 4 minutes or until candy thermometer reaches 234 degrees F stirring constantly to prevent scorching (seriously)
5. Remove from heat and add chocolate and marshmallow creme stirring until completely melted.
6. Add nuts and vanilla. Mix well.
7. Immediately pour into the foil lined pan, spread to form an even layer (about 1" thick).
8. Let it cool at room temp at least 4 hours.
Makes a lot...I cut my squares pretty small (about .75"x.75") and get over 50 pieces.
Apricot-Coconut Balls
What you need:
2 (6oz) packages dried apricots, ground
2 cups shredded coconut
2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk
Powdered sugar
What you do:
1. Combine apricots and coconut; stir to mix.
2. Add condensed milk and mix well.
3. Shape into 1" balls and coat with powdered sugar.
Makes about 50. Peppermint Bark
What you need:
1 pound white chocolate (use the white almond bark like in the Potato Chip Candy)
1/2 cup finely crushed peppermint candy (I took a hammer to some candy canes)
4 to 7 drops of red food coloring
What you do:
1.Spread out a large piece of heavy duty Aluminum foil on a countertop or table. Butter the foil.
2. Melt the bark in a microwave (follow the melting directions on the bark package).
3. Stir in the crushed peppermint and food coloring.
4. Spread the mixture out on the Al foil so that it is about 1/2 inch thick.
5. Let cool and then break it out into bite size pieces.
To package the candy, I went to the dollar store and bought tons of cute Christmas tins guessed it, $1. After cleaning them out, I lined them with green seran wrap. I recommend putting in enough seran wrap to come up the sides of the tin and hang over the edge a bit - this provides a great seal for the lid. For some of the tins, I tied ribbons around them and slid a Christmas card in, which looked extra cute. They were a big hit (I hope!) and a nice gift if you want to give to a lot of people (I ended up making around 60 tins). By far the biggest expense is the pecans in the fudge and millionaires. If possible, I recommend buying in bulk from a local farm as they can be quite pricey in the grocery store.

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Will You Be Mine?
You can really do any color combinations - I went two different combos: red cardstock with pink accents and pink cardstock with green/teal accents. Then for the little hearts I just used scraps of all different colors.
How to Make:
1. Cut one piece of your cardstock in half to make two pieces with dimensions of 5.5"x8.5".
2. Fold each piece over to make a basic looking, top folding card measuring 5.5"x4.25".
3. Cut two strips of your accent paper - this can be transparent paper, construction paper - anything! I went with that papyrus feathery looking paper (I don't know the name of it). Instead of cutting it with scissors, I tore the paper into the strips to give it a featherly border look. The strips should be 4" long and about 1" wide.
4. Glue with two strips onto the front of your card, one above the other.
5. Measure the distance between the fold of your card to the center of each strip. We will use these measurements to give us a guide for the upcoming sewing.
6. Turn the card over so that you are writing on the inside top flap of the card.
7. Measure from the flap and make a line for each of your strip measurements. Basically, you should be drawing a line directly on the flip side of the paper from your glued on strip.
8. Still on the back flip side, mark the center of your card. You will want to space each of the sewed on hearts one inch apart and centered. So, measure 1/2" from your center mark on each side. Then from each of those marks, measure 1" over. You should now have made 4 marks on your line (in addition to the center mark). You will be sewing one heart at each mark.
9. Repeat the marking on the second line for the second strip. I would also recommend making the marks 1 cm long and centered on the strip line.
10. Taking your heart punch, punch out 8 different colored hearts. Fold each heart in half.
12. Repeat the process sewing all 8 hearts in place.
14. Using another piece of cardstock (preferrably another color), cut a piece that is 5"x8". Center it on the inside of the card, gluing it to the first piece of cardstock. This will give you an inner lining which will hide your sewing and give you a nice place to write your inside message.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
From the Kitchen....Cute Sugar Cookies
I found the ultimate cookie cutter website, Off the Beaten Path. Seriously, this online store is amazing. They have all kinds of cookie cutters from stilettos to poinsettias to states, their selection is incredible. And they're only about $1.50 a piece. So, when I was looking for a hot air balloon cookie cutter (for the St. Louis Balloon Race pre-party, of course) this site had it. And by the time you pay for shipping, I figured I might as well order every cookie cutter that I could imagine wanting in the next year at the same time. So, I also found these very cute girly ones (purse, lips, XO, sunglasses, engagement ring), football ones (football and helmet) and many others. It's very difficult to pick out just a couple.

I use a very simple recipe for the cookies and icing. I usually use homemade icing to coat the cookie and then Betty Crocker or another store bought brand for the details. I find the store icing to be thicker and easier to work with on the accents.
Sugar Cookie Recipe:
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
2 tsp baking powder
3 cups flour
Heat the oven to 400 degrees F. Cream the butter and sugar with a mixer. Beat in the egg and vanilla. By hand, blend the flour and baking powder in a separate bowl. Then add the baking powder and flour mixture to your creamy mixture 1 cup at a time. Roll out the dough on a bed of flour (not included in the 3 cups) and cut out your favorite cookie! Bake 6-10 minutes on an ungreased cookie sheet. I highly recommend lining the cookie sheet with parchment paper so the cookies don't burn or stick.
Icing Recipe:
3 egg whites
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups icing sugar
Mix all together with a mixer. Divide into small bowls and add food coloring.
To make the icing details, I also recommend using a Mechanical Pastry Bag, like this one from Williams-Sonoma. It makes it easy to control the icing and add fun details like a basketweave which I used for the basket of my hot air balloon cookies.